Sunday, March 28, 2010

Interview Pep Talk

I've realized that I tend to lose perspective when I'm thinking the most.

When there's something coming up in my life that I can't control, I tend to think. I get anxious. I think about trying not to think about it. I try and prepare for the event every way I can. Clothes, packing, etc. I set everything I need out for the day before. I mentally rehearse my schedule for the next day. I think some more. I avoid doing anything spontaneous or out of the routine, meaning I avoid anything that would distract me from my worries which is the opposite of what I should do. I do all of this because I'm afraid of "jinxing" it. I'm too busy trying to hold on to any control of the situation I can grasp, even though all I have is my own thought-strings, that have little powerful hold on reality.

What ends up happening in these situations is I prepare all I possible can, something changes or goes wrong, I do a bit of course-correcting in the moment, and everything works out fine. But I still always worry in the first place.

For example, tomorrow at 4:30 I have a job interview. This whole weekend I have been worrying about it endlessly. I've been thinking about not thinking about it. I planned out what to wear yesterday. I've told very few people about it, even though when I first got the interview I was overjoyed and could have told anyone I met. After the initial excitement, I realized that I have my first interview ever and it might not go perfectly. So I stopped telling people. The more people you tell you have an interview, the more people you have to tell you didn't get the job.

After being stuck at McDonald's for 2.5 years, you start to feel like you're trapped. You start to feel that (aside from after college) McCraphole is as good of a job you'll get because you're so used to hating the job and being treated like crap by customers.

I've also been trying to think of how to be professional, I've worried I won't be freindly enough, and that I'll be too nervous to function. I've been doing all of this thinking, and it's only been making me lose perspective on my situation.

However, my lovely Aunt Resa helped me get some perspective back. I've realized that all of this superstition reveals my lack of confidence in myself and my lack of faith in God.

Regardless of whether or not I get this job, I WON'T be at McDumpster forever.

So, online--loudly and proudly--in the risk of all of the jinxes that have no more control on my life (as I will no longer let them influence my thoughts negatively), I say to myself:

I am a catch! I fit the bill of a desirable employee! If they pass on me, THEY are missing out!
I'm smart, conscientious, diligent, and motivated!
I'm dependable, hard-working, and have a thirst for learning!
I have ambitions to make a life for myself, the desire to constantly improve as a human being, and the drive to try and help others in any way I can!
I'm friendly, loyal, and out-going once you get to know me!
It may take me a while to become comfortable in new environments and learn everything in a job, but that is because I am THOROUGH and care a lot about my work!
I'm respectful, responsible, personable, and professional !

I just hope that I'll be able to communicate all of that through the interview.

But, here's to hoping!


  1. you will do great!! practice makes perfect! you got to do all the positive thinking you can, and all the looking-at-the-silver-lining you can. bc even though ive had probably 15 interviews in the past 3 months, i'm a pro at them. so hopefully when the job im meant to get comes along, ill ace it! keep your head high cause you rule!

  2. I got the job by the way!!! :)
